
Donald Trump: I Would Apologize ‘If I’m Ever Wrong’

If we can be sure of one thing, its in the coming months that the 2016 Presidential election will provide us with a major source of entertainment and comedy.


On Friday’s “Tonight Show“, Trump made his first late-night appearance since declaring his presidential run.

Following the scripted interview, Trump and Fallon held a “real” interview, but it’s generally being dismissed as a love-fest with nothing newsworthy to report.

Trump said his notes are all in his head: “I’m blessed with a great memory. Talk to you in 3 hours”.

“Wow, I look fantastic”, he continued. “If you’re reading a speech, it’s much easier, but you don’t get the reading”, Trump said.

“No”, the brash businessman said.

Fallon – or fake Trump – continued.

Fallon dressed as Trump and pretended to primp in the mirror and give himself a pep talk for the interview. The bantering started with Fallon also calling himself a lightweight as a host.

“I’m like you now; I don’t use teleprompters”, the host shot back as the crowd roared, with Fallon crumpling up a piece of paper on his desk, presumably with the prepared questions on it. “The only one qualified to interview me…is me”.

“I’ll challenge them to the biggest game of Jenga ever”, Fallon-as-Trump said.

“I was too busy staring at my handsome reflection”, he said. In the sketch, West’s name was brought up as Trump’s possible running mate. “Vice President’s a very serious position”.

“No, no, I don’t do that”.

But Trump declined to take another swipe at the only woman seeking the GOP nomination, and Fallon didn’t push him. He also took time to brag about his front-runner status, saying that all other Republican opponents were the same to him.

But some people thought the appearance didn’t really turn out to be that… uuuuge. “In a certain sense it means strength, because the way the city came back, I’ve never seen anything like it”, Trump said. Trump insisted. “Honestly! It’s tough stuff”.

Trump, who has targeted China frequently in his recent weeks, caused an outcry even at the outset of his campaign with comments about Mexican immigrants.

I fully think apologizing is a great thing, but you have to be wrong. Adding, “But you have to be WRONG…. I will absolutely apologise sometime in the hopefully distant future if I’m ever wrong”.

“Right”, Fallon said as he attempted to mirror Trump’s every hand motion.

Clearly this was a joke, but is it just me or is the line between jokes and politics getting real blurry?

“Real Donald Trump (in response to a question about how he’ll create jobs): “I’ll just do it”. She had a very very rough past, corporately”.


“What’s refreshing”, Fallon told him, “is, you’re off-the-cuff, you get yourself in a lot of trouble sometimes”. As the interview was closing Fallon proposed a new anthem for Trump “All I Do Is Win”, who agreed 100 percent.

Donald Trump appears with host Jimmy Fallon on Friday