
Man called emergency services because there’s an hedgehog in his garden

It was another time wasting call for the emergency services as the man called them because there’s a hedgehog in his garden and he’s bit scared of it.


According to the report, the emergency services again released the list of time waster to make people aware about the topics which doesn’t belongs to emergency issue.

They explained that the man had called them asking that the hedgehog was in his garden.

Emergency services officers asked whether the hedgehog was dead – then he replied that it was alive.

The officer replied there was nothing wrong about it. But the called insisted that he didn’t want the creature in his garden.

Not only this, there are several similar calls that the emergency services go through everyday such as ‘pizza is not delivery on time’, ‘vending machine is not working’ etc.


Man called emergency services because there’s an hedgehog in his garden