
Fiorina factor, faith face-off as second Republican debate looms

Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO cleverly turned it into an asset, encouraging a National Federation of Republican Women audience to do exactly what Trump commanded: “Look at that face!”


Fiorina was asked if she believed Trump’s explanation that he was talking about her persona, when he reportedly remarked on her face in a Rolling Stone profile.

“The fact is Carly Fiorina has a bad past”, he added during a subsequent interview on CNN’s “New Day”.

Fiorina, for her part, responded later Wednesday, suggesting she had touched a nerve with the mogul. Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

In his interview with Carson, which immediately followed this segment, O’Reilly repeatedly prodded him to declare Trump to be “an agent of divisiveness”, but apparently Carson hadn’t been listening to the host’s “Talking Points Memo”, because he refused to take the bait.

“I’ll be attacked”, Trump said. But the clairaudience is something I hadn’t expected of him. “So people make statements and all of a sudden, the statement, that’s a big deal“, Trump said.

As in the first GOP presidential debate on August 6, Donald Trump will be center stage as the front runner in polls.

Trump and Carson are the only two of 16 Republican presidential candidates who are running for public office for the first time. “And, you know, it wasn’t my intention and I’m certainly not going to allow it to become my intention subsequently, regardless of how anybody reacts to it”.

In an incredible display of psychoanalysis, Rolling Stone writer Paul Solotaroff has described Donald Trump with qualities more often attributed to street corner psychics.

The latest results from the CNN/ORC Poll show that Donald Trump is leading with more than 30% support from the Republican voters. He tweeted that the “demeaning remarks are small and inappropriate for anyone, much less a presidential candidate.


“Well, I think those comments speak for themselves“, she said. “He likes to disparage people.”. Some of his critics, including Jindal, likely wont qualify for the prime-time affair. “But maybe, just maybe, Im getting under his skin a little bit, ” she said, “because I am climbing in the polls.”.

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