
Key Democrats object to new Republican Iran measure

Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tried to force similar votes earlier this year during debate over the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which gave Congress the power to consider the deal. Sen.


WASHINGTON, D.C. Republican Senate leaders Tuesday made a second unsuccessful attempt to advance a resolution of disapproval against the Iran nuclear deal and bring it to the Senate floor for a final vote.

House Republicans will continue on Friday to further eleventh-hour strategies to derail the agreement and Senate Republicans are promising a re-vote.

“I believe Congress owes the American people a final up or down vote“, McConnell said.

Sen. Corker suggests that the extension vote could come soon, and that he is confident the Senate could get the 67 votes needed to override a presidential veto.

“If Democrats share the President’s determination to “win ugly” on this important issue, then they have sufficient numbers to do that”, said Mr. McConnell, Kentucky Republican. The agreement that was finalized last week dealt with one subject and one subject only.

“This notion of making the political prisoners in Iran part of the new Republican strategy is something I wish Senator McConnell had thought about a little bit more“, said Senate Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat. It would be an very bad moment for the world as well as Israel itself, but it serves as a prompt to ponder the consequences of Obama’s obvious decision to take US military action off the table.

“We would like to cooperate with China on issues in Yemen, Syria and the Middle East, seeking a political solution”, Zarif said.

McConnell is ratcheting up pressure on Democrats who support the deal by forcing them to take more votes.

In a second vote, the House passed 247 to 186 a measure to suspend until January 21, 2017 – a day after a new president is sworn into office – Obama’s authority to waive, suspend or reduce sanctions on Iran.

Coats wants an opportunity to have a yes-or-no vote on the deal.

The Senate is not done debating the resolution of disapproval of the Iran nuclear deal, despite the fact that Senate Democrats have maintained a filibuster that prevents it from coming to a vote.


The only way that McConnell’s gambit might pose a serious chance of stopping the Iran deal is if it were setting the stage for the “nuclear option”-i.e. ending the legislative filibuster”. Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Holy See’s secretary for relations with states, said in Vienna on Monday that the Vatican backs the agreement because it thinks the best way to resolve disputes is through dialogue and negotiation.

McConnell and Reid