
Monument Valley dev’s VR game, Land’s End, is due next month

In Land’s End, you will walk around gorgeous scenery while attempting to solve puzzles, which is basically Myst. You move at a leisurely pace through striking scenes by finding the next available point and focusing on it. Once you’ve locked on, you’re transported there at a comfortable speed – a compromise that lets a VR experience like Land’s End work without a controller.


It sounds as though Land’s End will be, like Monument Valley, a game full of puzzles that aren’t so much mind-bogglingly challenging as pleasantly enjoyable to play through.

To me, the game is a mix of Myst and Monument Valley, with a slight similarity to No Man’s Sky, but only in a visual way. However, the company hopes that Land’s End changes that. It’s an exploration game that appears to maintain a lot in common with Monument Valley, thematically and stylistically if not technically – an air of mystery and understatement abounds, and the art style is flat and elegant. Players will start off with a sort of tutorial first couple of stages in order to learn the game. “They want to enjoy the sights and get through it and see this wonderful world”, Wong said.

If the company’s previous mobile games like Monument Valley and Whale Trail are any indication, Land’s End will probably be a great immersive experience. Since then, Pashley said the team has kept learning.

Of course, there’s more to gameplay than just looking at things. “We all have really unique brains, and the way our brains process VR is different for everybody”.


The Gear VR itself will have a brand new, consumer-ready model released before the end of the year.

Land's End