
Fidel Lopez Disemboweled Girlfriend Maria Nemeth For Calling Out Ex Husband’s

According to a police report self-confessed “monster” Fidel Lopez said he flew into a drunken rage after she cried out the other man’s name during rough sex inside of their Sunrise apartment’s wardrobe in Florida.


When police arrived at the home, they found him crying for help next to her naked body.

Police say Lopez initially told investigators that the couple had been having sex when Nemeth went into the bathroom, vomited and collapsed. Lopez stated that he disemboweled her after she shouted out her ex-husband’s name while they were having sex, reports Local TV 10. Neighbors reported hearing a man’s voice yelling and loud noises that lasted for about two hours.

Fidel Lopez, 34, was arrested Sunday on a murder charge.

The police further said the 24-year-old revealed that in his anger, he shattered a sliding glass door with which he used in mutilating the 31-year-old Nemeth, who was lying unconscious on the floor before using his hands to remove her intestine. A half empty bottle of tequila was found in the kitchen.

Lopez told police he carried Nemeth into the bathroom and tried to wake her up by splashing some water on her face, but she remained unresponsive.

Lopez then became violent, punching holes into walls before he violated the unconscious Nemeth with items, including a beer bottle and a flat iron.

There was blood all over the bathroom and body tissue scattered across the apartment that the couple had shared for about one week, according to the police report.

Detectives said Lopez later admitted that Nemeth “became very intoxicated” and they ended up inside the closet, where they started to have sex.


Nemeth’s body was in a pool of blood. He then attacked her, inserting foreign objects inside her and carrying out an horrific attack. Lopez admitted to ripping internal tissue out of her, including intestinal matter, detectives said. When he went back to the closet he found Nemeth passed out. After washing his hands and smoking a cigarette on the porch, he started to panic and went into the closet to try and cover up the bloody mess, the report said.

Fidel Lopez