
Pope Francis greeted by the Obamas on first USA visit

The Obamas’ daughters, Malia and Sasha, and Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, also welcomed the pope, along with a delegation of American Catholic leaders.


“Francis is showing that he likes to continue the practice of being driven in something that is smaller than an American SUV”, Bishop Christopher Coyne, of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said in an interview.

Crowds at Andrews Air Force Base cheered as the pope’s plane touched down.

During the flight, Francis defended himself against conservative criticism of his economic views.

You can thank God for Pope Francis. Banners have been unfolded to officially welcome Pope Francis to the nation’s capital. “He is frankly more comfortable in the slums of Argentina than in the corridors of power”. The social doctrine is critical of economic embargoes, especially those that last for years, due to their impact on the poor.

That’s why Francis faces a delicate political assignment as he meets President Barack Obama and addresses Congress, in addition to holding masses and other public events in Washington, Philadelphia and New York this week.

“If he manages to promote those changes, then the pope will have achieved a truly historic mediation: between the Cuban government and its own people”, she wrote. Asked toward the end why he didn’t respond in English, he laughingly said, “English isn’t my strong point”.

“On climate change, on poverty, on income inequality, and on Cuba”, Broderick said, citing some examples of where the President and Pope’s priorities align.

The highly anticipated visit is triggering one of the largest security mobilizations in USA history, jointly run by the U.S. Secret Service and the F.B.I. and involving federal, state and city law enforcement. He was concerned that he would be asked to do things that were against his conscience – he was talking about the primacy of conscience, which is part of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

And the gesture Francis will make by going directly to lunch with homeless people rather than with his congressional hosts after his speech on Capitol Hill will resonate on both sides of the aisle. “I think Jesus is also asking us to include everyone”.

“He’s bringing a good message, so we need to listen”, said Maria Haggerty outside on the church’s steps.

The humility with which which Francis has lived his faith is key to his popularity in the United States and around the world and is firing up anticipation for his visit.

Francis, 78, appeared to be walking with some discomfort.

For instance, he is likely to praise American liberty, democracy, opportunity and religious and racial plurality.

“‘Why do you say that?'” “There’s where the examination of conscience comes in”. He concluded his visit to Cuba earlier in the day.

The Vatican and Palestine are the only non-member observer states at the United Nations.

“An unfettered pursuit of money rules”. Biden is the first Catholic vice president.

He is the fourth pope ever to visit the United States.

“The pope is a singular figure, and he has really stirred the souls of people all around the world”, said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. And the Democratic Party’s traditional support for abortion rights collides directly with Catholic doctrine.

“He has gone so far as to say that even the idea of life without parole is to remove any hope from inmates who are given no chance at reconciliation or atoning for the wrongs they have done”, Hummer said.

It is unclear what kind of tone he will strike while in the United States, a country he has never visited despite his extensive travel and his Church leadership positions before becoming pope in 2013.


Francis goes to the White House on Wednesday morning.

Vatican to raise flag at UN with Palestinians, but without fanfare