
Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to be Launched by United Nations – The Minute

The new Sustainable Development Goals will aim to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty, reduce inequality within and between states, achieve gender equality, improve water and energy management, and take urgent action to combat climate change.


“The MDGs end-point report chronicled the gains recorded in the implementation of the 15-year development framework as well as challenges and gaps requiring attentions in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will be adopted by world leaders at the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly as the replacement for the MDGs”, the statement said.

With the announcement of ninety eight aspirants for India’s smart cities and the federal government incorporating sustainability as a key element of the venture, global consulting agency PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) feels “the pillars of a smart sustainable metropolis” are utterly aligned with the proposed UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are expanding into our natural resources at a rate which is not sustainable. It will be financed not only by the so-called “developed North” but also by the “needy South” from national development — reaping financial benefits from economic advances among people who are healthier, more equal and better educated.

The UAE speech, to be delivered by Shaikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of global Co-operation and Development, or MICAD and Head of the UAE Committee for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Foreign Aid, will reflect the efforts undertaken by the UAE to implement the “Millennium Development Goals” and emphasise UAE commitment in joining the world in achieving the new agenda.

The Goals are created to complete the unfinished business of the MDGs and address the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development. “The things that are most wildly aspirational tend not to be the targets”.


“[The agreement] encompasses a universal, transformative and integrated agenda that heralds an historic turning point for our world”, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated in a Summit outcome document on 2 August.

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