
Check your Uber rating

Toronto’s taxi industry agrees with the Star on this: Uber must be regulated.


“We will continue to work with the government to define a modern and pragmatic regulatory framework”, the company said in a statement, adding that the decision did not impact its professional driver service available via the Uber app. Fair enough: what is not fair is to use these rigorous requirements to commercially hog-tie the taxi industry while Uber is allowed to ignore them.

Passenger ratings are scores that Uber users (“riders”) have been given by their drivers, and those ratings haven’t thus far been made available to the users; they’re for drivers to see. But what you might not know is that your driver also gives you a rating.

One of the smart things about Uber (and Lyft, for that matter) is that the ratings system goes both ways.

I live in Los Angeles, where public transportation is a huge mystery to most people, and Uber is my app BFF. He said that his fare had been cancelled and he was in the area so he could take them. People rarely force-close their apps whenever they’re not using them, which means they can easily be tracked by you at any given moment.

Toronto drivers must carry $2M worth of commercial insurance. And Bennett says he can’t say just how expensive Uber might get this weekend in Philadelphia. Accordingly, I’m asking you to please take a moment and think about why so many driver complaints never materialise in the news.


France’s highest court on Tuesday confirmed a ban on controversial ride-sharing service UberPOP, dismissing a constitutional appeal by the USA company. Well, based on what we’re hearing from UberX drivers around town, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Of course, if you were super obnoxious and got into a screaming match with your boyfriend while you were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, well, maybe expect a lower score. As Mashable reported on Monday and Quartz in July, you can access an “I’d like to know my rating” option via the Uber app’s help menu.

Steve Jennings  Getty Images Uber CEO Travis Kalanick