
Study Reveals 17 Percent Increase In Global Internet Speed

A survey by Akamai said that connection speeds in Europe were showing a healthy growth by and large with seven countries in the global top 10 countries. “The improvement in connection speeds is vital as more content, not the least of which is video at increasingly higher levels of quality, is being delivered over the Internet”.


The global average connection speed has risen to 5.1Mbps, notes Akamai’s State of the Internet report for Q2 2015.

Heading the charts was South Korea with an average 23.1Mbps, with Hong Kong second at 17Mbps and Japan third with 16.4Mbps average connections.

India does not figure in the top 10 countries for Internet speed.

Across the globe, the average peak connection speed in Q2 was 32.5 Mbps, up 26% from the year-ago quarter. Download speeds are often faster than upload speeds, peak speeds are different from average speeds, and including mobile connections in one dataset can make it look very different from another. But that was an increase of 7.5 percent over the first quarter.

As for peak speeds, Singapore lead the survey with average speeds of 108 Mbps, followed by Hong Kong (94.8 Mbps), South Korea (83.3 Mbps), Japan (75.1 Mbps) and Taiwan (74.5 Mbps).

The US ranked 20th, with an average of 11.7 Mbps in Q2, up 2.2% year-on-year, and up 1% from the previous quarter.

Just in the US , Internet speeds are higher on average over speeds from the second quarter of 2014. Year-over-year gains ranged from a mere 0.8 per cent in Latvia to a sizeable 133 per cent in Lithuania – the only country in the top 10 global list to see adoption rates more than double compared with the previous year. The average page load time for a broadband connection was 3138 ms in the second quarter.


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