
Greenville Police Department receives federal grant

The grants are not simply about putting more officers on the street, but expanding the capacity of law enforcement agencies to engage in community policing.


Former Oakland officer Ronald Davis, now the COPS director, was in the city a few weeks ago to talk about the department’s national profile in policing reform as part of Schaaf’s speaker series.

The St. Cloud Police Department will receive $375,000 from the U.S. Department of Justice that will pay about half the salary and benefits to hire three additional police officers for three years.

“These are two completely separate situations the 15 officers through the COPS grant or the cops sponsored program that will be sponsored through the grant and the wording of the grant specifically says it can not use these officers to fill in other positions that are needed within the city”.

The COPS Hiring Program offers grants to state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies to hire or rehire community policing officers. “Not really, but they are very good”, said Joe Yahner. “This money will result in more officers on patrol in Mansfield, getting guns and drugs off the street while strengthening our community”.

“This funding will increase staffing and ensure our officers are equipped with the latest technology to meet the policing needs of the future”, Sacramento Police Chief Sam Somers Jr. said in a statement.


The city would spend almost $4 million on 15 new police officers should commissioners accept a federal grant. All applicants were encouraged to refer to the report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing for suggested actions to incorporate into their proposed community policing strategy. Officer David Northway explained that the grant does not overlap with the original funding request. According to Williams, the department scored high in the area of community policing, and its ability to partner with other public agencies, private organizations and citizens to address recurring challenges.

Greenville is one of three police departments in the Eastern District of North Carolina to receive grants from the U.S. Department of Justice