
Bristol MP sketches Corbyn during PMQs

However, despite these sentiments also having been expressed by Paddy Ashdown, former Lib Dem leader, they are being used as a way to paint Corbyn as being “soft” on terror.


“What kind of intrusive society are they trying to bring about?“.

Left-wing Greek leader Alexis Tsipras built a closer relationship with Moscow after his Syriza party swept to power earlier this year, while France’s far-right National Front party received a $11.4 million loan from a Russian bank in late 2014.

But Angela Smith, now Baroness Smith, said: “I’m looking forward to working with Jeremy”.

“I think many people will be surprised”.

TUC leader Frances O’Grady told the conference the public support the right to strike because it is a “fundamental right“.

Paying tribute to former Conservative MPs Airey Neave and Ian Gow, who were murdered by Republican terrorists, Mr Cameron said: “I have a simple view, which is the terrorism we faced was wrong, it was unjustifiable, the death and the killing was wrong”.

Even more alarming than Corbyn’s problem promoting women is his total avoidance of scrutiny. “People want their voices heard, so I thought that I will do PMQs a different way”.

He wished the Labour leader well in his job, telling him: “I know we will have many strong disagreements… but where we can work together in the national interest we should do so”. His government will pose some curtail questions about the future of England, a threshold which is surely a beginning of some social reforms, but he will have zero chance for fundamental changes in a monarchy.

McCluskey refused to comment on whether Unite would ever campaign to leave the EU.

Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn marked his first major public speech since winning control of the opposition Labour Party by telling union members that the Conservative government was declaring war on organised labour.

“The questions were very direct and they demanded clear answers”, a Labour source said.

“[Ukraine] has been put under enormous pressure to come into the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation military orbit”, Corbyn wrote in an article for Britain’s left-wing Morning Star newspaper last April – after Russia’s annexation of Crimea, but before Russian-backed separatists staged an uprising in the east of the country.


“We’re not going to give Cameron a free hand on any negotiations at all”.

The new leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn