
Teenage refugee killed trying to cross Channel Tunnel into UK

The latest death, believed to be of a boy from east Africa, possibly from Sudan or Eritrea, comes less than a week after a Syrian man was electrocuted while trying to board a train in Calais.


A young migrant has died overnight trying to make the unsafe journey from Calais in northern France to Britain using the Channel Tunnel.

A spokesman for Eurotunnel in France said paramedics were called after an unconscious body was found near the railway tracks.

He is believed to be the 12th person killed in or around the Channel Tunnel entrance in Calais since the refugee crisis erupted earlier this year. According to the officials, he has been killed by a freight train in an attempt to reach the United Kingdom crossing the tunnel by foot. He was found dead on the tracks, the official said.

The young man was thought to be of Sudanese or Eritrean nationality, they said.

Eurotunnel, the company operating the freight service, also confirmed the incident in the French terminal area.


About a dozen migrants have died since this summer near Calais, where they are camped in hopes of reaching a better life in Britain. The nationalities of the other two are not known.

Migrant Teenager Killed By Train Near Channel Tunnel Entrance