
Muslims in Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA celebrating Eid-ul-Azha today

Going by its years-long tradition, Masjid Qasim Ali Khan in Peshawar had announced to observe Eid-ul-Azha on Thursday, September 24 with the Saudi Arabia.


Eid is being celebrated in various districts and divisions including Mardan, Kohat, Bannu, Malakund and Waziristan areas.

Meanwhile, like elsewhere in Pakistan the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat is celebrating Eidul Azha with traditional religious reverence and fervor in Karachi as well.

Special prayers were offered for unity of Ummah and well-being of Muslim world over.

Eid congregations will be held at Masajid, Imambargahs, Eidgahs, and open places in cities, towns, and villages across the country.

Muslims residing in countries including Saudi Arabia, England and U.S. are also celebratin Eid on Thursday.


Following the Sunnat-e-Ibrahimi, the residents sacrificed animals and wished each other Eid.

Eidul Azha being celebrated today in parts of KP, Fata