
Stations Brace for ‘Logistical Nightmare’ of Covering Pope Francis Visit

Departure for Rome. US Vice President Joe Biden will see pope off as he departs Philadelphia. But the hope they bring is not for a chance to see the Pope.


They plan to go to the Festival of Families Saturday and attend Mass celebrated by the pope in Philadelphia Sunday.

He said Philadelphia is one of the main areas that the business delivers to, so “pretty much everyone knows” about the pope’s visit.

Police say a stabbing near Philadelphia City Hall has left a 47-year-old man dead. “It’s not New York, where you can work in Brooklyn, or Queens or Manhattan”, Singh sighed.

10am – Address to the US Congress. Francis becomes the first pope to address a joint meeting of the House and Senate.

“He’s talked to not just clergy and pastors … that they have to soften the way they view people who need [help] and not to judge them”, Ostorba said.

His visit runs through September 27, and features stops in Washington, New York and Philadelphia.

Pope Francis’ remarks calling for more compassion toward divorce is an example of some of the shifts in attitude he’s attempted to create in the church, Ostorba said. Suburban church groups are encouraged to come – not to serve the meal, but to sit at folding tables and break bread with those who rely on St. Ben’s for sustenance.

The Francis Fund benefited from some cross-pollination with the fundraising work of the archdiocese, said Sister Mary, with some corporations and others opting to give both to the cost of putting on the World Meeting of Families and to her cohort of homeless service providers.

“I think it’s going to be a great opportunity for my family, for my son and my wife to actually get to see the pope, myself”. He’s said he’s concerned about the way politicians have been talking about immigration. Some of the stories that Telemundo 47 has featured on-air include interviews with the day laborers who built the chair the Pope will use at the mass at Madison Square Garden and the Mexican woman who helped make the linens that will adorn the altar at one of the masses he will preside over.

“We may never even see the Pope on this mission but we’re with him”.

The Benjamin Franklin Bridge, Vine Street Expressway, long stretches of Interstate 76 and part of U.S. Route 1 near the seminary where Francis is staying will close at 10 p.m. Friday.


“Four hours from home, that doesn’t happen very often and I’m so excited”, said Sousa.

Stations Brace for 'Logistical Nightmare' of Covering Pope Francis Visit