
ASU mascot sends recovering councilman back to hospital

Unfortunately, that man turned out to be Tempe City councilman David Schapira, who was recovering from recent back surgery.


Arizona State’s mascot inadvertently re-injured a Tempe, Arizona, City Council part Friday overnight. His left leg is rendered almost useless because the pain in his back is so excruciating. “I didn’t understand him next as well as all of an impulsive I really felt one thing at my back”.

After being three weeks away from recovery, Shapira said he’s now looking at another six weeks after tearing a muscle in his back. He said his wife was holding his cane while he took a photo on the sidelines, and the mascot spotted him and pounced.

Schapira seems to be taking it all in stride – albeit labored strides. Another just imagine procured both Schapira and Sparky and knew what went down.

Which is probably how Schapira was able to forgive Sparky.

Schapira says he’s not upset, just a bit frustrated. Arizona State offered to foot the medical bill, and Sparky feels just bad about himself.


“ASU sincerely apologizes for Sparky’s excessive exuberance at Friday night’s game”.

Sparky got a little too rowdy on the sideline last weekend