
Verizon bills couple $2 million for cell phone

But the bills kept coming.


While FOX 12 was with him, Slusher called Verizon Wireless’ automated phone line to check his account balance, where a voice recording said “Your total amount due is $2,156,593.64”.

The number of errors and the comedy of which they happened is astounding to me.

The couple said they only had the phones for one month, but Verizon is billing them more than $2 million.

By January, Slusher and his girlfriend had their account with the cellular company cancelled and had also returned both phones they had purchased with the business.

KPTV Ken Slusher said he’s being harassed by bill collectors over more than $2.1 million he’s accused of owing to Verizon Wireless after just one month’s service.

Strangely, the next bill asked for only $9.

Slusher says he now has two collection agencies coming after him. They’d expected the initial bill to be around $120, but it wound up asking for $698, and showed an additional balance of $451.

They thought the issue had been resolved until they started getting notices from collection agencies.

Ken Slusher, of Damascus, paid a down payment on a new house this week and was looking forward to moving in soon with his girlfriend and their children.

“If I don’t get this straightened out in the next 24 hours, I can nearly guarantee I’ll lose this house”, he said. Ken said customer service agents in person and on the phone promised to clear it up but then. Late Tuesday evening, a spokeswoman responded saying she will look into the situation.

We have apologized to an Oregon customer for a programming error in an automated voice-response system. “We are correcting the error now and have resolved the issue to his satisfaction”, the spokesman said in a statement to ABC News.


This isn’t the first time a phone company has issued a statement that boggles the mind.

Verizon Wireless sends Oregon couple $2M bill 0