
Huckabee: Obama ‘pretends’ to be Christian

I’m less concerned about what faith a person has, I’m more concerned about the authenticity of their faith and how that plays out in their policies.


According to the Wall Street Journal, the Vatican has taken offense to the White House’s inclusion of Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop and Mateo Williamson, a former co-head of the transgender branch of Dignity US, among others on the official invite list for the Pope’s visit.

Mike Huckabee has made a unusual comparison between gays and alcoholics.

“We know that this is a process that you have to be very careful how you use your money, use it wisely, be frugal, spend it like you are spending the taxpayers’ money – and like they wish that Congress would spend it”, he said.

“I’m less concerned about what faith the person has”. So does everybody else. The former Baptist pastor asked, “Why is it that Obama goes to extremes to accommodate Muslim terrorists but shows nothing but disdain for Christians?”

“Inviting the Pope to his home and then trying to make sure you bring people into the path of the Pope known because of their very visceral and sometimes very vocal disagreement with the Pope personally and … the church generally”.

Speaking on Newsmax TV’s “The Hard Line” about Ben Carson’s recent controversial comments that a Muslim should not be president of the United States, the 2016 presidential candidates shifted the conversation to Obama, whose faith has been a topic of interest since a Donald Trump supporter called the President a Muslim during a Trump rally last week.


Huckabee also reiterated his claim that “this administration supports the criminalization of Christianity in America”, using the example of Kim Davis – who was jailed for failing to follow a judge’s order, not for being a Christian bigot.

Barack Obama at the left hand of Pope Francis