
Opposition parties hammer Liberals following byelection charges

Lougheed is scheduled to appear in court November 18.


“Although I did not initiate this investigation, I will cooperate as I have from the outset with the authorities in any way I can”, he said Thursday, declining further comment.

Olivier released recorded telephone conversations with Lougheed, whom he describes as “a Liberal king maker”, and with Wynne’s deputy chief of staff, Pat Sorbara, in which he said he was offered a job or appointment to step aside.

“Both the Premier and the Minister of Community Safety stood by Mr. Lougheed despite the damning evidence that all Ontarians heard on that now infamous tape”, said Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown.

Lougheed had the first conversation with Olivier, when the news about Thibeault’s willingness to go red was fresh.

“I hate to sound kind of Machiavellian about it, but at the end of the day, if you take the high road on this – what is your reward?” And while the party understood Olivier would be disappointed and appreciated his hard work awfully, they thought it’d be just super if Thibeault could be acclaimed.

“We have the unprecedented situation of criminal charges being laid against a key Liberal fundraiser for allegedly bribing Andrew Olivier on behalf of the premier of Ontario”, Yurek said.

“The premier wants to talk”.

Thibeault won the February 5 byelection and is widely seen as being a shoo-in for cabinet the next time Wynne shuffles her ministers.

OPP investigators questioned Wynne in April about Olivier’s allegations against Lougheed and Sorbara, but despite opposition demands the premier never removed Sorbara from her office.

The investigation by members of the OPP Anti-Rackets Branch began in January.

The Progressive Conservatives complained to the OPP and the NDP to Elections Ontario.

But with Thursday’s criminal charges, Horwath said that explanation doesn’t hold water.

Elections Ontario concluded months ago that Lougheed and Sorbara’s actions constituted an “apparent contravention”‘ of the Election Act concerning bribery, but the agency has no mandate to conduct prosecutions so the OPP must make the decision whether or not to lay charges under the Act.

Mr. Lougheed owns a funeral home in Sudbury and has volunteered as a fundraiser for the Liberals.

The provincial government appointed him to the Greater Sudbury Police Services Board in 2011, then re-appointed him in 2014.


Lougheed released a statement Thursday morning saying he would be “vigorously defending these charges in the courts” and that he has stepped down from his position at the Sudbury Regional Police Services Board and as Chancellor of Huntington University “until the matter is resolved”.

OPP have charged Liberal fundraiser Gerry Lougheed in Sudbury bribery scandal