
David Cameron Accused of Youthful Debauchery in Call Me Dave

He attended Eton College, the country’s most famous private school, and Oxford, where he was a member of the Bullingdon Club, a raucous drinking-and-dining society with a reputation for drunken vandalism, the Firstpost report says.


Lord Ashcroft gave up his non-dom status in 2010 so he could remain in the House of Lords.

The story told in the biography Call Me Dave was recounted to the authors of the book by a contemporary of the Prime Minister who is now a member of Parliament.

Conservative party sources have denied that David Cameron was involved in a freaky university dining club ritual involving a dead pig’s head. The two claim a source, who they do not identify, told them that what is surely to be called a “pig” mistake by Cameron happened while he was a student at Oxford.

The Labour Party has said there is a “serious question mark” about David Cameron’s statements on Lord Ashcroft’s tax status.

According to the latest extracts in the Daily Mail, Lord Richards told Mr Cameron during repeated clashes over foreign policy that “being in the Combined Cadet Force at Eton” did not qualify him to decide the tactics of complex military operations.

And the billionaire businessman appeared to confirm this as he tweeted a response to Mr Cameron’s “doctor” jibe.

As a major Tory donor and party treasurer, he had expected a significant job in the Coalition government in 2010, but was only offered a junior post, which he rejected. Asked in the past about any drug-taking in the past the prime minister has said that he had “a normal university experience”. “The author has set out his reason for writing it”.

“That would have caused far more damage, he could easily have done that”. The book is scheduled to be published in October.

The hashtag #piggate has gone viral because of a new biography about Cameron, which says he once put his genitals in the mouth of a dead pig. “He was therefore fully aware of my status as a so-called “non-dom”. He denied being a member of the society, although Cameron refused to dignify the incident that the young David allegedly confided to a fellow Oxford student who is now an MP.


“The prime minister should immediately clarify exactly when he first knew of Lord Ashcroft’s non-domiciled status”.

Conservative Party Conference Held In Birmingham- Day 1