
Your Sweet Man Bun Is Making You Go Bald

“They’re putting traction on the hair follicles that the hair is not really meant to take”.


According to The Independent, the condition might go unnoticed for a while, but then bald spots start to appear and it’s too late to bring the hair back. The trendy top knot has its worshippers – the kind behind Instagram accounts like “Man Buns of Disneyland” – but it’s also got its fair share of haters. The Huffington Post Australia spoke to the David Salinger, director of the global Association of Trichologists, on the subjects of man buns and hair loss.

‘I see it probably once or twice a week.

The condition, known as traction alopecia, causes hair loss at the temples and around the forehead as a result of the hair being scraped back, and it’s on the rise.

The man bun. There are social media accounts dedicated to them, celebrities rock them, and the New York Times recently analyzed the hard-to-die trend. She told USA TODAY Network that the pull from a tight hairstyle, whether a man bun or even weave, can cause the “death” of hair follicles and cause permanent scarring. She said that the main reason for this problem was the level of tightness people are applying to their bun.


However those who suffer the most are Sikh men who tie their hair up tightly under their turban, ‘ he explained. Some guys swear by them, while others wanna run around hipster villages with a pair of Fiskars, lopping off topknots in a gleeful rage. So while you might be enjoying the Instagram fame that comes with being featured on Daily Man Bun or Man Bun Monday now, you might regret the hairstyle later in life. Keep your buns and ponies loose! Maybe it’s time to get a haircut or just let that hair fly in the wind like nature intended.

Man buns are making young men go bald, say experts