
Where are they now? The original cast of ‘Heroes’ 9 years later

Obviously, every television show needs to justify an investment of the viewer’s time, but with sequels, the burden of proof is much higher. Unfortunately when they arrive, everyone at Renautus is dead (more on that later) but paperwork recovered shows that Molly Walker and Claire Bennet were unaccounted for when the final body count was tallied in the Odessa disaster.


I really don’t have any sympathy for Luke and Joanne. Gee, I wonder why that particular Broadway show?

Tonight is the premiere we’ve all been waiting for: The return of the Heroes universe. It’s kind of cool that we are seeing a world where they didn’t save the cheerleader. Blame expanded episode orders, blame Tim Kring’s inexperience with comic storytelling, any number of factors. The concept of someone disappearing into a video game, with real-world repercussions, is definitely interesting, sure.

Now forced to live in hiding, individuals across the globe begin to discover their powers. It’s just that he hasn’t dramatized humane generosity sufficiently enough in Heroes Reborn to elevate the show’s narrative above the rather ordinary running, jumping, shooting, stabbing, and fist-fighting on display.

What can you tease about what comes next?

Well there have been major character changes, but to my character?

How much time passed between the commercial airing and the call from Tim? It’s clear Luke is starting to feel exhausted with the whole thing and feels some sort of remorse while his wife seems to enjoy killing Evos. Noah doesn’t know anything about her, since she wasn’t one of his pepole.

So Hayden was in on that group text? After all, for some, those wounds are still fresh! Also, no one had a clue it was happening.

Are a lot of the original cast returning?

Remarkably yes. I’m in touch with everyone. But this cast is also very close.

Do you avoid getting horn-rimmed glasses when you go to the optometrist? Combine that with an increasing trend that sees old, established television series revived as “events”, and the buzzwords “anthology series”, and Heroes Reborn looks like a surefire hit on paper. It may have only been a couple of weeks before he texted me, and maybe a month until we actually talked.

“Some of us are doing things that aren’t so nice”, Grunberg tells me.

How different is it being on set this time? We have multiple action scenes, and people with powers already showing them off pretty heavily. Being in Toronto, out of town, we have to really rely on each other, otherwise we’re walking the streets alone. We had some security in quite a few times….

How fast-paced is this?

In reality, Oscar is moonlighting as a superhero dressed as a Mexican luchadore who helps evo’s escape from the United States to Canada where they will be safe. There’s a painful ice cream quip from Joanne after the murder a room full of people, but their psyches are slightly more unraveled later in the episode and the two have potential to be deeply complicated characters, so long as the tone stays consistent. Some of the new characters are interesting and having them have to save the world that hates and fears them (to paraphrase the X-Men) is a new twist. We’ve been shooting everywhere from the Beach to Hamilton to that rich place. One of the reasons there isn’t a pilot episode is because we didn’t shoot it like a pilot. It’s one of my bigger issues.

So we are going to have to take your word for it that is awesome? “Sitting in the heaviness that is Luke takes a toll on you”.

Noah is trying to forget all about his past with the heroes, but finds it hard to let it go completely. In a recent promo, Micah looks like he’s wearing white scrubs, which makes me hope he followed in Peter’s footsteps and became a nurse.

Bringing back old franchises has become something of a standard practice for networks these days. The imagination of the show is all front-loaded, in the conception of the characters, yet what they actually DO when they are met by Renautas Corp is tiresomely predictable: they engage in yet another chase scene. “We were just there”. Its worth a watch, but probably won’t be essential to the series itself. If the best superhero stories are about the people behind the powers, then Heroes Reborn is poised to achieve greatness. “It’s really just all about acting”. People who believe he’s innocent are thought of as truthers/apologists.

Despite what Peter thinks, the main character seems to be Claire Bennet. Luke is the villain that you are hoping turns good at some point. Will you watch the new show?

I did keep a pair. What do they call it? Noah puts them on and the Haitian tries to strangle him. That too plays into yet another apocalyptic event looming just over the horizon, the vague definition and global reach of which fall into the exact story mechanics that drove Heroes the first time around. It really felt like dress up, like Halloween, it was like, “Oh this is weird”.

“Oh yeah. Dude, are you kidding me?”

FYI: The sword is the same one Hiro carried in the first Heroes.

TV critic Vicki Hyman and super fan Erin Medley, the new dynamic duo of TV coverage, recap Sunday night’s Emmy Awards, which included a historic moment or two. She wants him to leave the money and to take off. He refuses and attacks her after she almost burned his face off. “And I love ‘Heroes.’ I watched the original”. I still stand by that. With everything that he went through in the original Heroes series, it’s no surprise that it has inspired Matt to come back with a vengeance. And do you think this idea of being an outcast and feeling alone and discriminated against is what appeals to people about the show and characters? I know he’s a link to a deep, dark story that’s about to be unveiled. When we meet her, she jumps to the ground from a great height but is unscathed, demonstrating her abilities: her body instantly heals any damages or wounds. And the Japanese storyline contains character interactions and silly stories that are nearly derivative of Hiro and Ando, if the whole storyline wasn’t stereotypical and outright creepy.


First and foremost, “Heroes” was and continues to be about characters.

In Heroes Reborn Luke Collins played by Zachary Levi targets evolved humans after he loses his son in a terror attack