
‘Nigeria close to being Polio-free’ according to World Health Organisation

Polio is no longer endemic in Nigeria, the World Health Organization said late Friday, leaving only Pakistan and its war-battered neighbor Afghanistan in the list of countries where the disease is prevalent. Over the past few years, WHO said thousands of volunteers and health workers have immunized more than 45 million children under 5 years old. “And while the end is in sight, polio remains a constant threat until every country is declared free from the debilitating disease”.


Polio is a paralyzing illness that can be spread by poor sanitation and usually affects children. “I would like to congratulate everyone, particularly political, religious and community leaders in Nigeria and across Africa, for reaching a year without cases of wild polio”.

Several similar vaccine-derived cases have been recorded in Madagascar and Nigeria since August past year, while there were also two cases in Ukraine. “We know our vigilance and efforts must continue in order to keep Nigeria polio-free”.

Immunization and surveillance activities must continue to rapidly detect a potential re-introduction or re-emergence of the virus, the agency said, explaining that only after three years have passed without a case of wild poliovirus on the African continent will an official “certification” of polio eradication be conducted at the regional level in Africa.

The organization said Nigeria had gone more than a year without a recorded case of naturally occurring poliovirus.

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative sets its target to eradicate polio in the world by 2018. This is a vast improvement from 2012, when it was reported that the country accounted for over 50 percent of polio cases across the globe.

Nigeria has a long history of challenges surrounding its polio vaccination campaigns.

“We must now support the efforts in Pakistan and Afghanistan so they soon join the polio-free world”.

The government increased the number of vaccinators and declared polio as a national health emergency. “While the result is in view, polio is a continuing warning up to nation is said away from the devastating malady.” sections of the country Director Carol Pandak of PolioPlus at Rotary, among the numerous worldwide relief entities that is actually performed a pain to slaughter the condition.


“The removal of Nigeria from the list of polio-endemic countries is a major victory for Nigeria’s children”.

Polio is no longer endemic in Nigeria the World Health Organisation has said