
Raul Castro Fulfills Extensive Program in New York

Cuban president Raul Castro asked today in his first speech at the United Nations for the United States to drop its economic and trade embargo on the island.


This year, however, Cuba will introduce a resolution that “welcomes” the reestablishment of relations and acknowledges Obama’s determination to work with the US Congress to lift the embargo, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez has said.

The statesman’s agenda includes his presence at the meeting of the main deliberative body of the United Nations, where he will listen to a speech by Pope Francis, and this will be used to begin the summit aimed at adopting 17 sustainable development goals for the 2015-2030 period. The United States and Israel have always voted against the declaration. In many cases, unacceptable levels of poverty and social inequality persist and even aggravate including the industrial nations.

We realize that a long distance must still be covered to achieve a real world association for development. The global infant mortality rate for children under five years of age is still several times higher than that of developed countries.

“Amid the current economic and financial crisis, the wealthy and the transnational companies will become increasingly richer while the amount of the poor, the unemployed and the homeless increases dramatically, due to cruel policies called “austerity”, he said”. It would be necessary to build a new worldwide financial architecture, remove monopoly on technology and knowledge, and change the present global economic order.


Washington and Havana reestablished diplomatic relations in July after more than half a century of enmity.

Raul Castro Arrives in New York, Will Address UN General Assembly on Monday