
No plans for Obama-Rouhani meeting in New York: White House

Ultimately, as is clear from this proposed statutory language, the matter will be one of presidential discretion, much as it has been these last several years.


Iran is the largest prison for journalists in the Middle East; dozens of journalists are being detained today.

Further, I believe the tough, multilateral sanctions on Iran, especially on its energy sector, would not survive an American refusal to follow through on the JCPOA.

There were more Iranian projects than worldwide money to invest, Schweitzer said, but more global money to invest than Iranian projects that met worldwide standards.

Still, Rouhani’s first public remarks since arriving in New York were more upbeat than what Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said earlier this month.

The Thai captain of a seized cargo ship carrying an estimated $2 million worth of seafood has been arrested in Indonesia on suspicion of illegal fishing, in the latest development linked to an Associated Press… IRGC Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi addressed Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) veterans of the Iran-Iraq War, stated, “Russian-Iranian coordination in dealing with terrorists rented by Americans and Westerners with money from some Arab countries has been launched…”

Rezaian, 39, who has dual Iranian and US citizenship, has strongly denied the charges against him.

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors.

Representing the former tendency, the Organization of Iranian-American Communities will be holding a rally on the 28th in the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza near the United Nations headquarters.

On July 23, Amnesty worldwide provided a shocking report on “Iran’s staggering execution spree”. This statute has strong resonance given the lack of due process in Iran. He also warned political parties not to treat Iran’s universities as recruiting grounds. The paper notes that cooperation with countries which use capital punishment “can be perceived as legitimising government actions”. This means that after 10 years, Iran could start enriching uranium again on an industrial scale, leaving the USA and its allies with no effective means to prevent Iran from initiating an accelerated nuclear programme to produce the materials needed for a nuclear weapon. This too has raised some concerns in Iran. However other countriesincluding Norway and France continue to provide funding.

Western officials have suggested that implementation of the deal was more likely next year. Such tit-for-tat responses threaten to throw the US and Iran back into a negative loop, right at the moment that the parties seek to tamp down their tensions. Sanctions can be an important tool of foreign policy, but they are a limited tool.

Booker: “Make no mistake, this deal, while falling short of permanently eliminating Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, succeeds in either delaying it or giving us the credible ability to detect significant cheating on their part and respond accordingly”.

“The investigations into the incident of the stampede that took place today in Mina, which was perhaps because some pilgrims moved without following instructions by the relevant authorities, will be fast and will be announced as has happened in other incidents”, Falih said in a statement. These must be fundamental elements of any successful US national security policy. European Union member states should demand accountability in how their contributions are spent.


Wait, but this was supposed to be a good deal, right?

At UN, Rouhani says Iran nuke deal good for environment