
Bristol’s Muslims meet for largest ever Eid celebration

Hundreds of Muslims, led by Maulana Abdul Aleem Qasmi, took out peaceful procession to Eidgah ahead of the prayers. Hajj festival, Feast of the sacrifice, the Greater Eid and Eid e Qurban.


“Best wishes and Eid-Mubarak”.

At the Kikowani goat market, the story is the same, with Muslims being in a rush to buy the animals. “We believe in all of the prophets of God, and Abraham was a fatherly figure for all of them”. We, as adamantly and relentlessly as our heroes, will continue to fight for their dream: “A peaceful, harmonious, and inclusive Philippines”, he said.

Going overseas with family and/or friends is just one way Maldivians enjoy during the Eid holidays. Only one person can sacrifice a goat or a lamb.

What happens at the end of Hajj? It is the celebration of the life of the Prophet Abraham who has a key role in Islam. It is mandatory for all Muslims to go at least once in their lifetime if they are financially and physically capable.

Eid was celebrated in some parts of the country on Thursday too.

Instead, the children will be off on Friday – a Professional Development (PD) Day for the teachers, meaning all schoolchildren will not be required at school.

The days surrounding it are filled with increased prayer, fasting and reading Quran, he said.

This celebration is the second of two Muslim Eid religious festivals and begins after the Haji, or Mecca pilgrimage. Shaza Fashion, in Dearborn Heights, offers sales and a display of the latest fashion trends for the holiday. The ritual at any other time of the year is called “umrah”.

Hyaa Abdelbaqi said, “It is handsome when a community comes together to donate for a good cause”. “I usually dress up my kids”. Ibrahim followed God’s orders, but his son was replaced by a sheep at the last moment.


This Eid will be different than others for Noureddine because her husband is away for Hajj. “Let the spirit of labayk guide you in the choices you make and what you say and do”. “I feel truly happy here, people are polite”, he assured, adding that while living here Muslim community members do not face any major challenges. I have always been really interested in the Hajj.

Livestock sales peak in time for sacrificial holiday despite hike in prices