
BJP not in favour of reconsideration of reservation policy

“People of Bihar must understand as to why BJP and RSS have these days stopped talking about development issues and raising issue of reservation policy“.


“Our government is not in favour of making any change in the existing reservation policy for the SCs, STs, backward castes and extremely backward castes”.

However the BJP is further of the view that if further measures are suggested for those who are economically and socially backwards, then the same is welcome. “BJP is not in favour of any reconsideration of reservation being extended to these groups”, senior party leader Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters in Delhi.

Behind closed door ministers made presentations during the meeting, presided over by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. “It was Congress which, in fact, introduced the provision of reservation for SC/ST in the Constitution and also issued official notification for enforcement of 27% quota for OBCs during the regime of PV Narsimha Rao”, Choudhary said reminding Congress commitment for disadvantage groups. “If everything is viewed through a political glass, we can not help it”, said one source associated with the weeklies.

He blamed “petty politics” for the criticism of Bhagwat’s call and stated the formation of a “non political” fee will sideline these indulging in politics over the difficulty.

However, by the 1970s, when Balasaheb Deoras became the third leader of the RSS, and nudged the organisation towards active political participation, the idea of building a pan-Hindu, pan-Hindi electorate crashed against the harsh realities of caste and its divisions and absurdities.

“The subject of the interview was integral humanism, not reservation”, the statement added.

Bhagwat’s remarks came amid the continuing Patel quota stir in Gujarat.

“This amounts to interference and is an attempt to weaken the South Carolina, ST and other backward communities”, said general secretary KC Tgyai said. Now, the BJP can’t appear to be always taking cues from RSS but the situation seems to be getting tough for the saffron party.


“He takes permission and orders from Sonia Gandhi and Congress party which is the other supreme court”, Madhav said, adding,”Congress leaders are publicly stating that the reservations have to be on economic basis”. But Lalu Yadav for who is consistently wanting to turn this election into a Mandal Part II, backward versus forward class, this comes as a god sent issue, which could potentially give an emotive turn to these elections.

Mayawati targeted both BJP and RSS for their ideology of ‘staunch fundamentalism and casteism