
IOS 9’s Wi-Fi Assist could be burning your monthly data

Wi-Fi Assist, one of iOS 9’s new settings, is created to bolster weak wireless connections through the use of mobile data. Just last week, the company claimed that iOS 9 is now on 50% of its devices, which according to Apple, made it the fastest rollout ever.


This is great for when you’re stuck in places like the connectivity nexus right outside your home, where old iPhones would cling to the WiFi signal for as long as possible, but wouldn’t actually be able to load anything.

Apple’s Wi-Fi assist is a new feature that’s included on iOS 9.

The iPhone will automatically detect when a Wi-Fi signal is struggling, and switch over to your 3G or 4G mobile connection.

Another simply posted: “Turn off your Wifi assist before it’s too late people turn it off”. This isn’t turned on by default, so you don’t need to worry about accidentally downloading a massive file on your mobile data.

Hidden at the very bottom of the “Cellular” tab in settings, there’s a toggle called “Wi-Fi Assist“.

Of course if you generally find yourself swimming in extra data allocation at the end of each month, or frequently find your phone clutches on to your home Wi-Fi well beyond the point of being useless as you walk down the street, this feature could be a great way to avoid buffering.


This is supposed to make it faster and more convenient to use Apple’s mobile payments feature, which debuted previous year on the iPhone 6.

An iOS update earlier this month comes with a potentially problematic new feature