
Eid al-Adha in 60 seconds

In the lunar-based Islamic calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah and lasts for three days.


As part of the Eid tradition, the sacrificial animal is one of the key rites of Eid Al Adha, with Muslims usually sacrificing lamb, sheep, or goats.

With due solemnity and religious fervor, Muslims across Bangladesh on Friday celebrated Eid-ul-Azha, also known as the festival of animal sacrifice.

Deputy Chief Sheikh Rashid Ali Omar graced the celebration and called on all Kenyans to embrace unity and peace.

According to a news release from the Islamic Council of Oklahoma, the Saudi government announced that the “Hajjis” (Muslim pilgrims in Mecca) observed the Day of Arafat on Wednesday, September 23, the most imporant day of the Hajj. Everyone wears their best clothing when it is time for the Eid prayer and everyone goes to mosque to hear the sermon.

Each Muslim family sacrifices an animal and distributes its meat among the poor, downtrodden and relatives.

“Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his child shows us as human beings that we can sacrifice other things for God”. The true spirit of these holy days can be found in the efforts of people of all faiths who sacrifice to provide humanitarian relief and assistance to those who need it most. Men and women wear fine clothes and witness Muslims’ gatherings together. This is a major Muslim holiday celebrated all over the world as the most important holiday. In a registration camp at the Macedonian-Greek border, local volunteers gave out the traditional sweet “baklava” to migrants and refugees, after a Macedonian Imam led the Eid al-Adha prayers.

This Eid will be different than others for Noureddine because her husband is away for Hajj. The day begins with morning prayers, followed by visits to family and friends and the exchange of food and gifts. “I am very happy that Macau is a very peaceful place”.


Although children enjoy the festivities, the underlying theme of Eid-ul-Adha is sacrifice.

Eid al-Adha prayers in Uganda