
Your Trendy Top Knot Bun Might Make You Bald One Day

Dr. Sullivan adds that traction alopecia in men is becoming more common, and that hairstyles like the man bun should shoulder at least some of the blame.


A revelation set to send shockwaves through east London, the condition creates baldness around the forehead and temples, a direct result of hair being scraped back over a long period of time.

This week, Mississippi dermatologist Sabra Sullivan spoke out about the increasing number of men she is seeing with the condition.

According to Doctor Sullivan, “They’re putting traction on the hair follicles that the hair is not really meant to take”. Hair might not grow back if you permanently damage your follicles. “I would say five years ago I saw women with it but never men, now we’re seeing it in men”, worldwide Association of Trichologists director David Salinger told the Huffington Post. We’re not posting the pictures here, but Mic has got some really tragic examples of what a too-tight man bun can do. “As time goes on it will get worse and worse”, Salinger said.

The man bun is precisely what it sounds like: a knotted bun worn by men on top of their heads or at the nape of the neck. “It is the prolonged pulling of the hair backward and upward into a smoothly compacted corded hair bundle that has caused loss of hair in many of these persons”.

“Men don’t realize in the future they’re asking for trouble.”

‘It’s also very common in black women who braid their hair – it’s the same principle’.

And to those men who are joining the new man-braid movement, you should be anxious, too.

“Young surfers who like to dreadlock their hair, you see the traction alopecia through their scalp, not just along the frontal hairline margin.”


“The weave does not last longer because it’s tight, it’s going to make you bald”.

Stylish Bearded Man Laughing