
UK’s Labour backs down on vote on scrapping nuclear weapons

Along with concern from the unions, Mr Corbyn is also facing a rebellion from a core group of Labour Eurosceptics.


McDonnell gave few firm details of his policies, but said he would concentrate on the general goal of spurring growth to end austerity policies which he said were punishing the most vulnerable and the poorest in Britain.

“Our Party and our new leadership must appeal to them”. He will advocate fair play for all, solidarity, not walking by on the other side of the street when people are in trouble and respect for the other’s point of view.

“It’s because I am driven by these British majority values, because I love this country, that I want to rid it of injustice, to make it fairer, more decent, more equal”.

This month Labor elected Corbyn, a 66-year-old backbench lawmaker who promises to combine old-school socialism with a new style of politics.

At the Eastern region reception here at conference, very many supporters say they think he’s a “breath of fresh air”, offers a new kind of politics and will be popular with voters in our region.

A number of constituency parties had tabled motions on defence which called for Trident to be scrapped, but they did not have enough support from delegates to be debated at conference.

Since his election just over two weeks ago, Mr Corbyn has faced heavy criticism for a series of gaffes. A Shadow Cabinet rebellion has forced him to back down over Europe after he suggested he might campaign for Britain to leave the EU.

On Monday, The Times reported there was a “plot” to target for deselection Labour MPs who refuse to serve under Corbyn by some in the Unite union.

It will also not include an an apology on behalf of the Labour Party for the Iraq war, which Mr Corbyn has promised.

Having experienced only centre-left and centre-right governments, the student admitted that she “didn’t really know what to expect” from the far-left government that Corbyn one day hopes to form.

It reads: “There was no truth in the allegations in the past and there are none now”.

The divide between pro- and anti-nuclear forces has always been a fault-line in the Labour Party.

He said Labour would aim to balance the budget, but its focus would be on strong growth and investment.

Jeremy Corbyn, new leader of the opposition Labor Party, will face his first battle with internal opponents next week over his desire to scrap Britain’s nuclear weapons.

Today he will acknowledge that the “message discipline” of Labour’s recent past will have to be abandoned.

That, I think, can and will change.

“We should be true to our principles and we need to build a movement that acts on what people want – and that’s how you do it by speaking to your membership and getting feedback from them on what people want to see happening and I think you will get good policies from that”.

He will tell critics: “I listen to everyone”.

Former leadership contender Chuka Umunna, who ruled out serving in the shadow cabinet because of differences with Mr Corbyn over issues including Trident, said the party would have to fix its position on such key policies.

‘We are going to come to an accommodation of some sort.


Dan Jarvis, MP for Barnsley Central, also implied Labour must not show excessive personal loyalty to Corbyn if he is not succeeding.

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell