
H&M unveil new campaign featuring model wearing hijab

However, she accepted the role because she feels that most of the women, who are wearing a veil, are often disregarded by the fashion world.


H&M’s ad campaign for its environmentally friendly Close the Loop recycling program will feature a Muslim model wearing a hijab, something the affordable fashion brand has never done before, according to Racked. The new H&M model has received a major boost on her Instagram page with about 3,500 new followers who appreciated her initiative and selflessness.

She also said the brand were totally accommodating and provided a private dressing area and limited male interaction.

The fact that a strikingly attractive 23-year-old just landed an H&M campaign isn’t all that surprising.

“[H&M] asked how much in terms of neck I could show, but to be honest they were very respectful“, she continued.

“It always feels like women who wear hijab are ignored when it comes to fashion, so it’s unbelievable that a brand has recognised this”, she told Fusion.

H&M’s “Close the Loop” commercial features a diverse range of both models and people of various ethnicities, religions and body types. She launched her own Moroccan-inspired beauty salon in London called Salon Marrakesh which specialises in henner, Moroccan massages and even has Halal nail polish.


The video also includes an amputee model, plus-sized models, a Gulf Sheikh, and a group of Sikh men and concludes with the words: “There are no rules in fashion but one”.

H&M's first Muslim model in hijab 'Women who cover their heads are usually 'ignored&#x27 in fashion world&#x27