
Aer Lingus flight makes emergency landing with brake fire at JFK Airport

All 110 passengers disembarked safely.


But the flight was forced to land just 15 minutes later after crew reported hydraulic failure, landing gear door problems, and no flaps.

It’s reported smoke was detected in part of the plane on landing.

ABC News in New York has broadcast this recording of the pilot contacting Air Traffic Control.

Aer Lingus tweeted that the delay was due to a technical issue. Please stand-by for further’.

Emergency services at the Port Authority attended the scene as the flight landed again at around a 7.15am local time.

The jet’s rear brakes overheated during the faster than normal landing, causing a small fire in the landing gear compartment.

The plane’s passengers were bused to a terminal by the Port Authority.

The pilots and crew’s actions were praised by one passenger.

“It just looked like a sci-fi movie”. The actual touchdown itself was pretty bumpy, but not out of control considering, he did an excellent job, ‘ passenger Patrick Dyer Wolf told WABC.

“They started spraying the plane with foam like nearly immediately”.

‘He said that one of the hydraulic tanks had been leaking hydraulic fluid, and it started as a slow leak and then eventually drained to empty’.


A telephone operator at Aer Lingus would only say that Flight EI 110 experienced technical problems.

Shannon-bound Aer Lingus flight turned back after problems with hydraulics on board including gears and flaps