
Think twice about googling Luke Bryan, Usher, or Betty White

Of all the malware-riddled celebrity searches analyzed in Intel’s annual “Most dangerous Celebrities” study, van Buuren topped the list.


Britney Spears was among a few of the female celebrities rounding out the top ten of the unsafe list. A Katy Perry search carries an almost 15 percent chance of connecting with a tainted site.

According to Intel’s press release, one in five searches for “Armin Van Buuren” together with “free MP4”, “HD downloads”, or “torrent” landed users at a malicious site. What’s interesting to note is that musical artists have acquired seven of the top ten spots.

“With today’s busy culture and a desire for real time information, consumers often click on sites that will quickly provide them with news and entertainment, without considering safety and security implications”, said Stacey Conner, online safety expert at Intel Security.



Topping the list is Electronic Dance Music DJ Armin van Buuren, taking over the top slot from Jimmy Kimmel (2014), who dethroned Lily Collins (2013). Searches for those famous names are most likely to land users on websites that carry viruses or malware.

Intel Security Reveals Armin van Buuren as the Most Dangerous Cyber Celebrity