
Former UM president Donna Shalala suffers stroke

Donna Shalala, a former cabinet secretary under President Bill Clinton and current President and CEO of the Clinton Foundation, has had a stroke, a statement from the foundation said.


Shalala, 74, a former USA secretary of health and human services who served in Clinton’s administration during the 1990s, was named president and chief executive officer of the foundation in March. It’s a spinoff group from the Clinton Foundation, of which Shalala is now the president and C-E-O.

She served in that post for all eight years of the Clinton presidency. “Initial reports are very encouraging”, the statement said.

Shalala, who was the president of UM till this year, was around a few colleagues when she suffered the stroke and reports say that she is in good spirits and cracking jokes. She became UW-Madison’s chancellor in 1988, and was first woman to head a Big Ten university and the second woman to lead a major research university, according to the university’s website. She was succeeded at UM by Julio Frenk.


Shalala, according to the New York Times, was present throughout the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, which began this past weekend.

A DEC. 11 2014 FILE