
Princess Michael Of Kent Says ‘Animals Don’t Have Rights’ Because They Don’t

Her animal-snubbing remarks sent the Twittersphere into overload, with everyone pitching in to hurl abuse at the Princess, who gained her royal title by marrying the Queen’s cousin.


You may never have heard of Princess Michael of Kent, but she allegedly made a few rather interesting comments about the rights of animals. “You earn your rights”.

It is not, however, the first time Princess Michael has come to the attention of the animal rights lobby.

Animal campaign group PETA branded her comments “daft” and said they reflected “ignorance of the issue”.

‘We have obligation to animals, but to say they have rights?

Asked about references to slavery in her previous writings – set centuries ago – she talked about how attitudes to human rights had shifted, saying “the times have changed and the responsibilities people feel that they have have changed”.

Princess Michael of Kent is no stranger to controversy with her loose-lipped ways and opinionated offerings, but this latest royal outburst is sure to offend anyone who has ever kept a brightly-colored bird in a three-foot cage or lovingly placed a tropical fish in a 15-liter tank.

The self-proclaimed “animal lover” has incurred the wrath of animal rights organisation, PETA, in the past after she was photographed wearing what appeared to be a real fur coat.

A British Princess has caused anger amongst liberal groups like PETA by claiming animals do not have rights because they do not pay taxes.

The Princess owns cats and dogs herself and even managed to convince Battersea Dogs Home to add “Cats” to its name, after her husband was made patron. Prince Harry just recently returned from Africa after working to stop illegal animal poaching and of course Prince Charles has been crusading for animal rights for decades now. This led Prince Phillip to say: “If it doesn’t fart or eat hay, she isn’t interested”.

She has also spoken out about urban foxes.

“I cried to my mother, “mummy they won’t let me do interior design because it’s trade”, and she said “well you’ve studied history, write history books”.


“People haven’t changed. They’re kind, unkind, generous, mean, friendly, unfriendly”.
