Clinton also has a super-PAC backing her that has raised more than $25 million, while Sanders has refused to allow any super-PAC help as he opposes unlimited campaign donations.
The emails contained an attachment which, if opened, would have sent data from Hillary’s computer to the hackers’ servers, including one in Russian Federation. That doesn’t necessarily mean Russian intelligence or citizens were responsible.
But if Biden, who is said to be considering entering the race, is considered, Clinton’s lead is cut to 7 percent.
Clinton said she was unable to turn over emails she sent or received in her first weeks as secretary of state, from late January to March 18, 2009, because she continued to use the AT&T BlackBerry account she had when she was a senator, and no emails were being captured on her private server.
Practically every Internet user is inundated with spam or virus-riddled messages daily.
An image released by the State Department shows a portion of a bogus traffic ticket email that Hillary Clinton received. Most commercial antivirus software at the time would have detected the software and blocked it. Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills wrote back that she, too, had been the victim of an attempted hacker, but expressed concerns about admitting how much work was done off the government servers so as to not encourage more hacking attempts.
“There is no evidence at all that my server was breached and in the State Department we had constant barrages, attacks”, Clinton said. US counterterrorism officials have linked them to China and Russian Federation.
The government forbids transmitting classified information outside secure, government-controlled channels.
In this September 28, 2015 photo, Democratic presidential candidate…
The copy of that message forwarded to Clinton does not appear to have circulated outside official but unclassified State Department accounts, although it is hard to know whether anyone in the chain might have forwarded it to others. “It seems like her polling is still strong, and she’s still doing well”, he said.
Todd responded by asking if she could “say with 100% certainty that the deleted emails that the FBI’s not going to find anything in there that’s going to cause you to have to explain again?”
The State Department and other government agencies are now arguing over how much of the information, if any at all, was classified at the time it was sent.
“I’m fighting w the WH operator who doesn’t believe I am who I say and wants my direct office line even tho I’m not there”, Clinton wrote in February of 2010.
Hillary Rodham Clinton has lately positioned herself on the forefront of gay rights, but tucked into a newly disclosed batch of her emails is a reminder that she had long taken a more cautious approach to the issue.
In another note, Clinton’s communications advisor at the department, Philippe Reines, alerted her to her 67% approval rating, and then remarked, “This is why we cooperate with so many profiles”.
Among the 3,800 emails released on Wednesday were 215 that contain classified information that was redacted to protect national security, according to State Department spokesman John Kirby. Nearly all were “confidential”, the lowest level of classification.