
Woman saved her husband’s life, after ‘sixth sense’ made her rush home early

A woman saved her dying husband, after ‘sixth sense’ made her go home early from work.


It has been reported that the 43 year old, Scott Mayhew, was fixing his four wheeler, when the jack slipped, and he left trapped underneath the vehicle.

He was unable to move and hence started screaming for help, but nobody was there to listen.

Scott at last, started to pray for his wife Nicole to come home from work.

At the same time, her wife had a feeling to go back home and check whether everything was ok or not.

She listened her feeling and went back to home, and found her husband underneath the vehicle, screaming for help.

She immediately called the emergency services, who took him to hospital, where doctors found he had suffered six broken ribs.

He is now recovering fast.


Woman saved her husband’s life, after ‘sixth sense’ made her rush home early