
China’s climate change — Los Angeles Times

“It is certainly my hope that we will see our concerns taken into account in the way that Chinese authorities treat the U.S. companies and their proprietary information and technology and the way that journalists and academics and others are treated inside China“, he said.


The Chinese delegations spokesman said the the small working dinner, with the two presidents and a handful of aides on both sides, serves a major goal of his president. While these countries are unable to compete with China’s forces on a one-to-one basis, new acquisitions in submarines, anti-submarine helicopters, fighters, and advanced patrol vessels can raise the potential risk and costs of Chinese action (mirroring China’s own Anti-Access/Area Denial approach vis-à-vis the United States). Zhao also is editor of the center’s Journal of Contemporary China, the world’s top-ranked China study journal. Given the urgency of the situation in Syria and the problems in Russo-American relations, one sometimes wonders what happened to the famous “pivot to Asia”.

Vice President of Uruguay Raul Sendic strongly favored the idea of creating “a community of common destiny for mankind”, and said that in the age of globalization, countries should equally participate in the discussion on global development issues.

China will set up a fund, with initial contribution of two billion dollars, to support South-South co-operation and assist developing countries in implementing their post-2015 development agenda, Mr Xi told the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit at the UN headquarters in New York.

Xi’s speech pointed out a new direction of state-to-state relations, in which countries should attach more importance to the principle of equality and achieve mutual benefits through communication and cooperation.

The visit to Washington last week of President Xi Jinping, the leader of the world’s second-biggest power, illustrated Lyndon Johnson’s saying that politicians need to be able to “walk and chew gum at the same time“. Is China ready? The answer seems to be no for both countries. “So that’s an important development”, he said.

That stance is a marked contrast to the day in 1978 when China, seeking a few protection from the Soviet Union, invited the U.S. Navy to use Shanghai as a regular port of visit.

Flip your coffee mug over (make sure it’s empty first), and chances are it will say “Made in China”.

Xi elaborated on China’s stand of gender equality on September 27, when he addressed the opening ceremony of the Women’s Summit, vowing to boost women’s cause and build a harmonious world. China is not a global power in traditional terms.

President Sauli Niinisto of Finland praised China’s role in boosting global gender equality, and Haji Hassanal, Sultan of Brunei, also hailed China’s leadership in protecting women’s rights.

China has more motivation to make good on its climate promises than it does on Xi’s high-profile cybersecurity deal with Obama.

Two days later, Mollenkopf and his wife, Susan, attended President Barack Obama’s State Dinner honoring the Chinese leader during his official visit here.

Increasingly reliant on each other for sustainable economic growth, the United States and China have fallen into a classic codependency trap, bristling at changes in the rules of engagement.

“I am deeply grateful for your very generous support and strong commitment”.


Referring to Xi’s statement that he has no intention of militarising islands or outposts in the South China Sea, in the Spratlys, Russell said: “I believe, offered reassurance and encouragement to China’s neighbours, none of whom want to see a continuation of Chinese large-scale construction on these outposts, let alone the deployment of military assets”.

President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping @flickr by U.S. Embassy The Hague