
Crowds gather in Manchester to hear Corbyn challenge cuts

After the rally, addressed by Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett, and UNISON’s Karen Reissmann amongst others, campaigners marched through Manchester City Centre, led by the 38 Degrees Save The NHS ‘ambulance’, to the Conference where the loud protest began.


He added the fight would be easier in Mr Corbyn because the Labour has a leader “who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us”.

He explained “we are showing the numbers of people who are here to say that we are not accepting any more cuts, and that refugees are welcome here”.

The Conservative government is reducing spending in order to balance the books and ultimately get Britain to turn a profit so it can start to pay down its debts.

There has been something approaching a carnival atmosphere outside the secure zone at times – teenagers were line dancing in the street on Monday, as police officers looked on.

But the voices in the Tory Party among those who want to leave are growing louder and the opinion polls are showing the same trend.

Jeremy Corbyn has come under attack from one of Labour’s most senior shadow ministers for taking part in the anti-austerity protests in Manchester during the Tory conference.

Although the majority of protesters were well behaved, a series of journalists complained of being spat at while one conference-goer was hit by an egg. There’s a difference between being a party of protest and a party of government.

MPs, party members, journalists, lobbyists and staff at the conference centre were called “scum” as they ran the gauntlet of demonstrators outside the venue. They have the same ruthless methods as the old colonialists that they purport to despise, in that they believe in divide and rule. We’re here to do a job.

“Officers have worked in the most challenging of environments and I am proud of the way in which they performed their duties in a professional, tolerant and fair manner”.

The London mayor took his turn in the “beauty pageant” to succeed David Cameron and delivered a speech that mixed jokes with a heavy emphasis on social justice as he underlined his credentials as a moderate “One Nation” leader.


Back in the conference hall yesterday, Dr Tania Mathias, the MP for Twickenham, got generous hands-together on account of the rugby links with her area before the Conservative glamour boys (Zac and Boris) were wheeled out as an engaging (that’s engaging, not engaged) pair.

A protestor holds a sign at the march