
David Cameron Squirms As Journalist Asks Questions About Saudi Arabia

It added that the two young Shias are now close to being beheaded with Saudi officials ignoring the criticisms surrounding the fairness of the trials.


The ruling follows an earlier case when the same court also upheld a sentence of beheading and crucifixion on Ali al-Nimr, another young Saudi Shi’ite convicted of taking part in demonstrations three years ago for democracy and equal rights in Saudi Arabia’s oil-producing Eastern Province. Despite the global outrage over the charges, both teens were sentenced to death for their part in the protests as teens.

Separately, Cameron has been criticised over a £5.9 million contract to advise the Saudi Arabian prison system on training needs that is to be delivered by the Ministry of Justice..

The sentence of death by beheading and what’s been widely called the “crucifixion” of his headless remains in public can be carried out at any time unless King Salman intervenes, Reprieve noted.

Reprieve death penalty team director Maya Foa said: “Ali al-Nimr’s case has rightly prompted revulsion among the global community”.

Yesterday, it emerged that Saudi Arabia had also threatened to execute those who “spread rumours” about the government on social media.

“We have raised this as a government”.

Britain has a relationship with Saudi Arabia “because we receive from them important intelligence and security information that keeps us safe”, Cameron said in a television interview with Channel 4 News on Tuesday during his Conservative Party’s annual conference.

“I will look to see if there is an opportunity for me to raise it as well”.

Cameron dodged the comment by saying he “completely disagreed with them about their punishment routines, about the death penalty, about all those issues”.

However, Jeremy Corbyn says it isn’t enough and that the United Kingdom must stop providing services to Saudi prisons which are housing individuals who are not receiving due process such as Ali al-Nimr and Dawoud Al-Marhoon. Those are China, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Meanwhile, the United States government is accused of aiding and abetting Saudi Arabia in its war efforts against Yemen.


All this at a short time after the UN’s farcical appointment of a Saudi to head the human rights appeal, from a country that is unquestionably one of the major human rights violators in the world.

The Oman Saudi road will open to public shortly