
New Feature Displays Latest News, Trends — Twitter Moments

“It is a new way for us, here at Twitter, to show you the very best content that we have”.


One major drawback right now for marketers in Australia and New Zealand is that the Twitter-wide data, which would provide a useful comparison for your own audiences, is limited to the US.

Given their problematic user growth and reflected stock price, it’s understandable that Twitter has to do something to turn things around, and experimenting with new products is one way to do so.

Greg Meyers, Motorola CIO, who considers himself a religious Reddit user, isn’t impressed with Moments. That’s where Twitter Moments, also known simply as Moments, comes in.

Currently, Moments is only available to users in the U.S. across IoS, Android and web apps but users outside America can view Moments if sent a link.

The reason why Twitter is the news and updates weapon of choice for so many connected users is its ability to plug them into conversations and news threads from so many diverse brands, topics and people. However, it will remain to be seen if the tab is a hit – but if the design and intentions of the feature are anything to be believed, this looks to be a long-awaited amendment to the platform which will no doubt go down a storm!

“You’ll know a story has been updated since your last view when you see a blue dot in the upper righthand corner of the image associated with the Moment”, the blog post informed.

A “Moment” is a collection of tweets put together around a definite topic, such as the unfortunate floods or a news event.

Twitter, which limits posts to 140 characters, has been trying to find a way to make the site easier to navigate and broaden its appeal beyond media junkies, athletes, celebrities and politicians. Twitter says it curates most of the moments packages, although partners such as BuzzFeed, The New York Times, Vogue and other publishers contribute, too. Muthukumar stated that, as with any hashtag or tweet, these Moments can be shared anywhere. With Moments, at any moment in the day you can just have an upfront summary of the day, and you don’t have to keep logging back in.


It forms part of Twitter’s attempts to make its service more appealing for novice users or those that have used Twitter and then left, feeling a lack of engagement. Just check out a few of the Twitter chatter for yourself.

Twitter moments