
Tom Hiddleston Explains Why He Was Cut from ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’

One scene that didn’t make the cut involved Tom Hiddleston’s Loki – a character conspicuous by his absence in Age Of Ultron.


Check out the above video where Hiddleston reveals why he was cut from Avengers 2.

Avengers: Age of Ultron was jam-packed with cameo appearances from Marvel cinematic universe characters, but fan favorite Loki wasn’t among them. They thought that because I was in it, I was controlling Ultron, and it was actually imbalancing people’s expectations so Joss and Kevin were like, ‘Let’s cut it because it’s confusing people.’…

So there you have it. It’s interesting to hear it so bluntly and from the horse’s mouth but it doesn’t look like Hiddleston is too upset by being cut.

“As Hiddleston explains in the clip below, he appeared in a dream sequence involving his characters” half brother Thor.

That means Thor’s dream sequence could have been even more confusing. In addition to the Avengers: Age of Ultron Cast & Crew variant poster (of which, only 160 exist), we also have an extremely rare uncut version of 16 Tyler Stout illustrated Age of Ultron handbills, both of which you can see below in all their glory.


Yes. This makes sense. Hiddleston couldn’t confirm his participation in another recent interview with Marvel is preparing to move into Phase 3, which includes more cosmic elements like Dr. Strange, the Infinity War, and of course Thor: Ragnarok.

Avengers Age of Ultron