
Hear the Beep Where You Sleep

It is a North American event that was established in remembrance of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and has now taken on a life of its own. The goal of fire prevention remains an aim at preventing that loss.


DON’T assume you’ll hear the fire alarm if it sounds.

The theme this year for Fire Prevention Week is “Hear the beep where you sleep”.

Assistant Principal of Stony Point Elementary Beth Shusterman told The Rockland County Times, “Every October, the visit by the firefighters of The Stony Point Fire Department/Wayne Hose #1 creates an awareness of fire safety which includes having a plan of escape, telling their parents to change batteries in their home smoke detectors and most importantly not to be frightened in an emergency situation”. Larger homes may need more alarms. Three of every five USA home fire deaths resulted from fires in dwellings with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. In 2007-2011, smoke alarms only sounded in half the home fires reported to US fire departments.

The Madison Fire Rescue firefighters, pictured left to right, are: Chris Johnson, Socrates Pierre, Fire Chief Bruce Jordan, Ethan Shannon and Gavin Dickinson. Out of the 10, 9 had working smoke alarms and in the tenth house we actually gave them working smoke alarms on each level.

DON’T forget to test your smoke alarm every month. It is also one of the most distractive forces in nature.

Fire trucks were parked out front of the fire station for display, along with a helicopter. Apparatus from both companies and many others is expected to be on site, along with demonstrations and information for families and children regarding proper fire safety techniques.

The open house runs from 6 to 8 p.m.

“We’re especially grateful to partners like Crawford and the Smyrna Fire Department for their help with the Home Fire Campaign”, said Terri Badour Duckett, CEO of Georgia’s Red Cross.


Fire service professionals have seen the devastating effects of fire firsthand; burn injuries as well as the loss of homes and possessions are distressing, but what’s far worse is witnessing a family’s anguish after a loved one has been killed in a fire.

It's Fire Prevention Week JFD officials- Replace old smoke alarms