
The Force Awakens Gets a Star Wars/Disney Mashup!

In fact, iDigital Times said, a website has speculated that the new film could feature a fledgling New Republic that is threatened by a group called The First Order and by the aspirations of a few Republic senators to return to the prosperity and wealth they enjoyed under the auspices of the Galactic Empire. This is the dominant theory that’s generally been accepted.


Rey and Finn are attacked by a TIE Fighter.

Star Wars veteran Harrison Ford will reprise his role as Han Solo in the film along with Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and Carrie Fisher as Leia.

When they combine you get “Star Wars: Where Dreams Come True”, a truly magical mix of the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens”, and Disney characters from “Beauty and the Beast”, “The Lion King”, “Frozen”, “Snow White”, “Dumbo”, “Aladdin”, “Peter Pan” and many more. The stories follow a linear narrative that connects to the previous six films.

She added that the forthcoming Star Wars Anthology films, which begin in December, 2016 with “Rogue One”, will focus on new characters and their stories. But it’s been unclear if the rest of the trilogy will continue the Skywalker story or pass the legacy on to another heroic character. You don’t want to be left out.


On the other hand, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, has too many unnamed heroes like Rey.

The Force Awakens Gets a Star Wars/Disney Mashup!