
Oregon Shooting Hero Chris Mintz Released from Hospital

Former JBLM soldier Chris Mintz was released from the hospital in Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday night, according to NBC News.


He blocked a door to keep the gunman from coming in, and was shot several times in the process.

The gunman, 26-year-old Chris Harper-Mercer, shot and killed nine people then himself in the deadliest burst of US gun violence this year. While many across the country were amazed at his heroic actions, those in Randleman were not surprised. Anticipating that Mintz’s surgeries and the recuperation that follows would be costly, a CNN producer suggested to his cousin that the family start the campaign, The Daily Dot reported.


Mintz has been seen smiling in every single picture that has been released from his hospital room (including this one where he’s obviously loving a few chocolate milk), but he’s going to have a long road to recovery, his family said. “Don’t do this, ‘” she said. Mintz survived, but doctors say the 30-year-old will need to learn to walk all over again. Separate funds for the victims’ families are listed on Mintz’s GoFundMe page. A page seeking donations on the fundraising site GoFundMe raised more than $792,000 within a week.

Chris Mintz