
Clinton ad seizes on Rep. McCarthy’s Benghazi comments

Even Speaker of the House John Boehner’s office responded to the television ad. “This is a classic Clinton attempt to distract from her record of putting classified information at risk and jeopardizing our national security, all of which the FBI is investigating”.


But she said she wasn’t surprised by his recent rise in New Hampshire polls, mentioning his long tenure representing a neighboring state. “Her numbers are dropping”. Sanders is in second with 23 percent.

“In the aftermath of a tragedy like losing a child, you are searching for meaning in your life and what you can do to advance that legacy, Ornstein said”. “She needs to get past that (email controversy) to try to stabilize the situation”.

Prior to Tumulty’s commentary, host Andrea Mitchell similarly labeled McCarthy’s comments a “gift” for Clinton and touted a new campaign ad put out by the Democratic front-runner on the topic. Polls show Sanders now in the lead there. In a Politico story out Tuesday, at least “one small contingent of family allies” say they believe she is doomed in early-voting New Hampshire. Clinton told NBC that those revelations were not a public service. As a senator, Clinton opposed the measure while Sanders supported it in the House. After Obama called for a renewed look at what the executive branch might do, the administration has resumed looking at it, officials say, but it still appears challenging. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., tie for second with 19 percent each.

Among poll respondents supporting Sanders was Joan Callaway, a retired clothing store owner from Davis.

A national gun debate in the wake of another mass shooting allows Clinton to “put a few sunlight” between her and Sanders ” without a personal attack and doesnt make her appear to be playing catch up on progressive issues, said John Hudak, aexpert on the politics of guns at the Brookings Institution.

Political analysts say gun control will be a major running issue for numerous candidates in the upcoming presidential election. Even though he is the sitting vice president, there are now only a handful of Democratic officials who have said they would support him, mostly concentrated in his home state of Delaware and nearby Philadelphia.

“I did not work on TPP”, she said in late July. “I’m really pretty open”.

Biden has yet to declare, but if he decides against entering the race for the White House, Clinton’s stands to benefit the most.

The last iteration of the poll in May found Clinton leading Sanders by a 66 to 9 percent margin.

The Guardian reports that Clinton plans on “closing the loopholes in background checks for people who want to buy guns”.


He said he supported Bill Clinton because “he did a lot for the country economically”.

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