
Clinton uses McCarthy’s Benghazi committee comments to defend herself

Now her appearance will likely be more about the partisan nature of the proceedings rather than what Clinton did both before and after the attack on our consulate.


While the CBS News Political Director conceded the “legitimate investigations” going on surrounding Benghazi, he continued to highlight how Hillary’s campaign ad “give a little evidence to her underlying claim” that the committee was purely political “and so she wants everybody to see it”.

The Democratic presidential candidate mentioned one bipartisan bill which aimed to expand background checks for potential gun owners, but it did not get past the Senate, Think Progress reports.

“Republicans have spent millions attacking Hillary because she’s fighting for everything they oppose, from affordable health care to equal pay”, the narrator intones. It will begin airing Tuesday on CNN and MSNBC. If Congress won’t act Clinton “will take administrative action to require that any person attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed “in the business” of selling firearms”, the aide said, meaning they will fall under background check laws.

“I grew up in a church-going family, a family that believed in the importance of living out and expressing our faith,” Clinton said during a 2008 campaign rally in Indianapolis. “The people of faith I know don’t “cling to” religion because they’re bitter”.

She drew loud applause from the audience in New Hampshire, a rural state with strong hunting traditions and a mixed outlook on gun control, when she called on hunters to boycott the National Rifle Association and instead join “a different organization” that would support what she calls common-sense safety measures.

The administration is still looking at this idea, in the wake of Obama’s announcement after the Oregon shooting that he has directed officials to “scrub” current laws for further actions the executive branch can take against gun violence, those officials say.

“The other side of the that argument, of course, is – and what people always throw out there – is look at Australia”, one of the hosts said.

On trade, Clinton helped start talks for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was signed Monday.

Clinton – who was secretary of state at the time of the attacks – is trying to make the case that a coming hearing of the panel at which she will be questioned is only focused on smearing her politically.

According to a poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos last September 29, Clinton gained the support of her party at 44 percent, while his rival Sanders only had 28 percent.


At the top of Mrs Clinton’s list are expanding background checks, repealing legislation that protects manufacturers and dealers from liability, and strengthening punishment for purchasers who buy firearms for others. Earlier in the day, she flipped pancakes at the Today town hall. Expanding the disqualifying criteria – to include, say, people with certain psychiatric diagnoses or people whose disruptive behavior gets them fired from jobs or kicked out of school – would only compound this unconstitutional injustice.

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