
Marco Rubio: Gun control ‘would not have prevented’ Oregon shooting

The Florida Republican senator and presidential contender is under growing criticism from his rivals for repeatedly missing votes, including a key roll call on Tuesday on a defense policy bill that he skipped for a campaign event in New Hampshire. He said many past presidential candidates have missed votes (he’s right) and that much of the work of a senator is constituent service and committee work, “not walking on to the Senate floor and (voting) on a non-controversial issue”. The candidate is also Marco Rubio, right now. Jeb Bush has not overcome reluctance from the GOP to elect a third president from the same family and has made a number of gaffes on the campaign trail.


Speaking in New York City to tech enthusiasts, Rubio praised the “disruptive” companies but said such businesses and the people who work for them are unfairly burdened by a meddlesome and “out of touch” government. Now, it’s Rubio’s turn, suggesting that you can cherry-pick time periods to make one senator or another the worst attendee in the most recent whatever months.

He added: “My ambitions aren’t for me; my ambitions are for the country and Florida”. When I miss a vote, it’s not because I’m out playing golf.

Democrats are calling Rubio a hypocrite over the issue. The additional immigration enforcement provisions, Rubio now says, must come before any kind of path to legalization for the undocumented.

“If you don’t want to vote on things, don’t run for the Senate”.

“Marco Solidifies His Nickname: ‘No-Show Rubio, ‘” American Bridge PAC said in a note to Democratic supporters on Tuesday.

Rubio is correct in noting that senators spend their time on dozens of other duties, but that doesn’t mean those should take precedence over the job of representing their constituents. That’s among the highest total of any of the five men running for president from the Senate.

“He’s been President now for seven years, he has seven years of presidential experience, and I still disagree with the decisions he’s making”, Rubio said. This killer’s father is now lecturing us on the need for gun control and he says he has no idea how or where his son got the guns. I think you should drop out of the race.

Dylan Byers, CNN’s Media Reporter, was asked, “Just yesterday, Rubio told CNBC he would be there for votes with major national significance or one that would make a difference”.


“They do share a lot in common, they are friends, they are ideologically aligned on most issues”, said Hector Barreto, who was the head of the Small Business Administration under George W. Bush and then was a co-chair for Mitt Romney’s Hispanic Leadership Team in 2012.

Is Marco Rubio the New Favorite to Win the GOP Nomination?