
Pizza rat gets pizza-jacked

A video posted to YouTube showed the rat dragging an entire slice pizza down a flight of stairs in a subway station in Manhattan.


This disgusts us. Where do you get off, New York City subway rats?! Unlike the O.G. pizza rat, I do not relate to these greedy new rats at all. It’s sad to see these rats fighting over scraps instead of joining forces and opening up a pizza parlor. It seemed like the joke had died when the sexy-pizza-rat costume debuted, complete with “two attached pepperoni pizza slice pockets”. Welcome to America’s future when Trump is president.


The video was uploaded to Instagram Thursday night by user JonathenLewd with the caption “I win today, interwebs.#subwayrat #teampizza #pizzarat#pizzaparty”. Take another look at the first video, taken by Matt Little at the First Avenue L train station in the East Village, and see if you can notice any similarities. His video has almost 200 likes so far.

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